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Can I support Made in the USA without buying anything today?
Yes! You do not have to buy anything to help support American Made.

To help American Made companies, pick you favorite category , and share that link on you social media or blog post or any other of you digital medias. Sharing one of our links will help with the search engines algorithm. Almost like clicking on that ‘like button’ on your favorite You Tube channel helps with You Tubes algorithm. Sharing our links will boost search engine rankings which will bring more people to our website. More traffic, the more American Made products will sell. Also, don’t forget that there are social media buttons on product pages. so you can share your favorite American Made product! Thank you for your support and for letting My Made in the USA be Your Guide to American Made.

  1. Find your favorite product category.
  2. Right click the category link.
  3. Copy link address
  4. Paste on your social media, blog, or other digital media!

Category Links to Choose From:

4 thoughts on “Support Made in the USA.”

  1. Hi!
    You need to check out Tekton tools. They are making more of their tools in the USA. They have some 30°/60°wrenches made in usa as well as hammers, screwdrivers, punches, chisels and prybars. A few other tools too.

  2. Hello – Why are you supporting the price gouging that Amazon does on “Made in the USA” products?
    You say that YOU are supporting OUR products. But, you pull a “redirect” to Amazon. Why are you pulling the standard liberal – blame it on someone else game?
    I expect to pay a premium for our “REAL” products, but when you sell them over an over-inflated price, who will and who can pay the exorbitant prices you charge via Amazon?
    You DO NOT impress me as being an American.

    1. Hello WJ,
      I do not know about Amazon taking part in price gouging. The sellers on Amazon set the price. I try and find the best American Made products at the best price. Also, I am currently adding my own products instead of using Amazon. Our Dog Ropes are sold directly from the website. Also, I am adding other affiliate programs other than Amazon. Our Drill Bits are purchased from the manufacturer’s themselves, not Amazon. Adding products and links for American Made products from places other than Amazon is work in progress. I hope this helps.

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